Projects Reports

Success Stories
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Projects Reports

Our Reports

We are thrilled about this program because since 2018, we have been working with more young people and have already begun to understand its impact on the individual participants, their families, and the community. Based on earlier assessments, we know that 67% of our past program participants have secured and maintained employable skills and are ready to enter the working world.

Finance & Investing

By nurturing relationships with like-minded organizations and private individuals, we can unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what traditional funding can do alone.

Technology & Innovation

Utilizing and adapting skills and opportunities that are familiar to the developed world, we can provide youth, community members, and students with career and entrepreneurial training that will help to improve business ideas, learn, and walk into the working world.

Partnering with Local Communities

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as a catalyst and ethical partner in helping to empower youth.

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